Michigan Longevity Legends…

Michigan Longevity Legends

Originally published in the Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times, Flint Journal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, Muskegon Chronicle, Saginaw News
March 17, 2013

Last week, Carl Levin, the senior Senator from the great state of Michigan, announced that he will not seek a seventh term in 2014. So doing the math, that means that Levin has been a senator …forever (or almost as long as Strom Thurmond was, which was infinity). I like Levin. I rode on a plane from Detroit to Washington DC with him once. He rode in steerage with the rest of us schlubs. Rumpled shirt, tie askew, old tweed sportcoat, exceedingly bad combover — looking as uncomfortable as the rest of us but still shuffling through papers trying to get some work done. A man of the people. And by all accounts, smart and sincere. That’s pretty rare for any longtime politician. It will be interesting to see if Michigan gets anybody like him in 2014.


  1. John B. said,

    March 20, 2013 @ 10:01 am

    Great comic, John.. I love the comparisons!

    There will be a huge hole in the Senate when Senator Levin leaves. His experience and wisdom will be missed. I’ve always thought of Senator Levin as a true statesman. I met him a few years ago and “smart and sincere” is right on the mark.

    What?! Jason Hanson won’t be the Lions kicker forever?! I will always be a true “Honolulu blue” Lions fan. However, I must say, now that I’m a Washington state resident, I also have a legitimate right (as stated in the “True Fan” handbook) to adopt the Seahawks, without being considered a fair weather fan. Whoa bay-bee… it was pretty exciting and refreshing this past season to “have” a winning team!

    Best regards,

  2. John A. said,

    March 21, 2013 @ 7:07 am

    Thanks, Johnny B! Great to hear from you! And don’t worry about loyalties to the Lions, at least not until they meet the Seahawks in the playoffs someday. Judging by the Lions play last year, it’ll be a while. My bigger issue with the Seahawks thing is me being a lifelong 49ers fan! (Why 49ers? I grew up in South Carolina. It is because I decided they had the helmet I liked best on the side panel of my NFL Electric Football game. So loyalties, like love, don’t always make sense.)

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