Where Does Your Hard-Earned Tax Money Go?

Where Does Your Hard-Earned Tax Money Go?

Originally published in the Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times, Flint Journal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, Muskegon Chronicle, Saginaw News
November 16, 2014

I think the big winner in the 2014 election turned out to be the cranks. The what? The cranks. You know, folks who say it’s all going to hell, that people are awful, government is hopeless, life used to be much better. Now it’s all ruined. What’s the use? Throw the bums out. If I were in charge, I’d <insert something over-simplified and vaguely racist>. That sort of thing. A crank.

I’m not saying cranks can’t be right. And I can’t say they don’t deserve to be heard. (Obviously they voted.) I’m just saying that it’s okay to poke a little fun at them. And point out that indignation is not always righteous. I will offer my own rabbit tracks down various Wikipedia trails as evidence that all the money taken from me in taxes was not necessarily hard-earned. So for all the cranks who have been and will be online shopping at work, let’s check ourselves with all that “hard-earned” talk.


  1. Wildman said,

    November 18, 2014 @ 8:45 am

    The chart on the right is right!
    Except you forgot the wedge for “Free Health Care for Politicians”. If that’s included in the orange wedge then I still think it’s too small!

  2. John said,

    November 18, 2014 @ 10:03 am

    I was trying to avoid adding things like “Free Health Care for Politicians” because I whole heartedly agree that that is wrong. How am I supposed to act superior if everybody knows I’m a crank, too?

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