But Why Are These My Only Two Choices?

Sometimes an editorial cartoon is simply about expressing a feeling. And in this case, it’s exasperation.
There is, of course, lots to be exasperated about these days, so there’s a good chance yours is for a whole different topic. But for me, it’s continually having my political options as a voter framed as a binary choice between a cratering economy and the end of democracy. That’s it. That’s all. One of them has to happen. Or so we’re told (and many believe).
Why? We’re Americans, for crying out loud! If anything, we are conditioned to having too many choices. Go into any sizable grocery store, walk down the cracker aisle, and you will be faced with approximately 287 varieties of Triscuits. Did anybody ask for these? No. Do we really need that many? Probably not. But there they are. We would never limit ourselves with our snacks — why do we do it with our politics?