O Say, Can You See Through All This Smoke

This week I had to cancel an evening basketball game because of the unhealthy air conditions caused by the wildfires in Canada. It was the right thing to do, but still I was disappointed and a little bit angry. And if the recent pandemic had taught us nothing else, it’s that anger must always be directed toward something.
So naturally I blamed the Canadians. What is wrong with those idiots? Why can’t they control their damn wildfires? I’ve been inconvenienced, and I will need to speak with their manager!
But then I realized that we are coming up on Independence Day weekend where it is an American tradition to inconvenience each other ad nauseam with fireworks. I wonder if all that smoke and noise is ever annoying to our Canadian neighbors?
It probably is, and the whole wildfire situation is likely much more complex than I imagine, so I really shouldn’t act like I know more than I do (even if the pandemic also taught us that it’s perfectly fine to do that).