Really Awesome

So, yeah, it wasn’t the best decision for Jocelyn Benson to announce her candidacy for Michigan governor from the lobby of the the Richard H. Austin Building in Lansing (where she is currently the Secretary of State). It’s hard to argue that it provided her with any sort of significant advantage. But per Michigan election law, use of public resources, including state offices, for political causes is not allowed.
So it was understandable why the Michigan Republican Party would file a complaint. Less understandable was them getting on such a high horse about it. Their press release included this gem: “The integrity of our public office holders must be maintained, and the misuse of taxpayer-funded resources for personal political gain will not be tolerated.” I used that directly in the first panel of the cartoon.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! (More like the deepest part of distant space eternally devoid of all light calling the kettle black.) The Republican Party at this point is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trump, Inc, which is perhaps best known for its lack of integrity when it comes to taxpayer-funded resources and dutifully following election law. But, please, teach us more about high standards for public office holders!