Sen. Mallory McMarrow. That’s it. That’s the cartoon.

I was a bit later than most in seeing State Senator Mallory McMorrow’s remarkable speech that went viral last week, which is a lifetime ago in the modern news-cycle. So forgive me if this somehow feels “over,” but I think it’s important.
Quick background: Fellow State Senator Lana Theis recently sent a campaign fundraising email that mentioned McMorrow by name, claiming that McMorrow had an agenda to “groom and sexualize kindergarteners,” among other unseemly and unsubstantiated allegations. McMorrow responded to Theis on the floor of the Michigan Senate — publicly and directly in person (you know, like something a person with integrity would do). If you haven’t already seen the video, definitely take a few minutes.
What Sen. McMorrow does is exactly what a good editorial cartoon aims to do — confronts wrongs, shines a light on the truth, punches up (never down). She is forceful but never needlessly aggressive. She both defends her positions and advances her cause. And her summarizing message is indelibly clear, “We will not let hate win.” Truly, what more needs to be said?
Well, maybe this: If you’re looking at McMorrow’s speech as one side attacking another, as a victory or defeat in a political battle, you’re missing the larger point. McMorrow is calling out lies, standing up to false accusations, and demanding that we all take note and hold to a higher standard. This is how Senate floors are supposed to work.