Just Shut up and Write the Check

We Michiganders are already well-versed in expensive auto insurance, what with our history with unique no-fault laws and personal injury protection. We continue to wrestle with finding the proper balance for the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association.
We also continue to penalize people based on their credit scores rather than driving records, which tends to price poor people out of car insurance so more go uninsured, which in turn boosts prices for everybody.
Good news! We are not the only state experiencing auto insurance rate increases significantly outpacing inflation. The bad news, it’s an “in addition to” situation, not an “instead of” situation.
NPR had a story this week: 4 reasons why your car insurance premium is soaring. Alas, all of them simply pile onto what we are already suffering from.
Is there any solace to be found? Well, some of those Progressive commercials with Dr. Rick are pretty funny. (Unfortunately, most of the other insurance ads are ubiquitous and annoying.)