Hey, You Challenged Me

Editorial Cartoon — Michigan Public

Don’t get me wrong — I have no intentions of missing out on any of the Michigan summer. (Well, other than maybe a quick jaunt to Chicago or an unplanned business trip.) As we stand at summer’s doorstep, I am filled with joy at the prospect and ready to walk right in.

But also, I am a bit salty, having just paid our auto insurance bill. Our rates got jacked … again! (Yes, we have done price comparisons — please don’t provide my name to a friendly agent!) It’s not our lack of due diligence, it’s not our insurance company, it’s Michigan!

Michigan consistently has one of the highest, if not the highest, auto insurance rates in the United States. Turns out, verifying this is an adventure in click-bait, so I have a moral obligation not to provide a link. But I believe most Michiganders already have firsthand evidence.

Some blame comes from a history of Michigan auto insurance providing, by default, lifetime care to victims of catastrophic accidents. This was changed by the so-called reform a few years ago — prices stabilized somewhat before again soaring. But even worse, as a terrible consequence, many catastrophic accident victims now have either been priced out of care or their care no longer exists.

Michigan summers are to be enjoyed by all. Or, at least, everybody should have the opportunity.

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