Whoa! Right There!

Whoa! Right There!

Among the many frustrating things about the current American political landscape is the inability to discuss and resolve actual issues. Case in point, the Michigan House and Senate has, to date, the fewest number of voting days since Governor Gretchen Whitmer took office in 2018. There is plenty of blame to go around for this, but one of the upshots is that another session is likely to close without having addressed the significant problem with the lack of transparency in our state-level government.

It’s truly a bipartisan issue. All those years the Republicans were in control, they didn’t do anything, and the Democrats (justifiably) complained bitterly. But now the Democrats, except for a blip earlier this year, have been in full control and managed to avoid the issue. Hypocritical.

Issues like this should be top-of-list. But they aren’t. Why? Well, when one political party (let’s not be coy — it’s the Republicans) have people at the top of their ticket continuously spewing stupid, dangerous … stuff, it not only steals the headlines, it makes thoughtful people not want to associate with them in any way.

So are there some legitimate concerns in Michigan about what Democrats have or have not done? Certainly. Am I going to line up next to guys who insist on doubling-down on their stupid, dangerous … stuff? No way.

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