State of the State

Earlier this week, I was kicking around an idea for a cartoon about the handful of bills passed by the previous Michigan Legislature that haven’t yet been sent to the governor to sign or veto. Presumably, she would sign them because they were bills from a Legislature that had a Democratic majority. Which is why the current Michigan House (a Republican majority) is in no hurry to see those bills signed into law.
The Michigan Constitution does not specify a timetable, so the political parties are interpreting the law entirely by what benefits them most at the moment. Send the bills now (Democrats), send the bills never (Republicans). This, of course, is Mitch McConnell 101.
I liked the idea of getting to draw McConnell, but explaining that whole background seemed a little too inside baseball. But the after listening to Governor Whitmer’s State of the State address (and its many appeals to bipartisanship), I saw my opportunity.
Even as an embittered political cartoonist, I can still find a place in my brain that believes in bipartisanship — at least the concept of it. Will it be successful? I think the question comes down to this: Can Whitmer maintain principles and standards while seeking common ground, or will she crater at key moments and become the next Susan Collins?