Democrats — Waiting to Hear the Last Bit…

Originally published in the Grand Rapids Press, July 31, 2010

I understand perfectly the benefits of flossing my teeth. It’s simple, straightforward, and the advantages are clear. It really doesn’t take much time and saves money in the long run. I encourage my children to floss and admonish them for being lazy if they don’t. Still. At the end of the day (both literally and in the cliché sense), I have no enthusiasm for flossing. So I make weasely rationalizations with myself and typically don’t follow through on doing it. Hmmm… Maybe this sudden realization that I’m behaving like a Democrat will motivate me to do the right thing and start flossing regularly. (Or I could do the Republican thing, stop all oral care regulation, and let the free market decide whether my teeth rot.) Perhaps it’s time to seek third-party dentistry….


  1. Tyler said,

    August 9, 2010 @ 9:59 am

    I, for one, am in agreement with Republicans on flossing. 🙂

    That being said, I will give it to Republicans for getting things done – even if it is driving backwards off a cliff. At least they know where the location of the gas pedal.

  2. John said,

    August 9, 2010 @ 12:06 pm

    Is it possible to get the functionality without the ideology? Please? No? …*sigh*

  3. Tyler said,

    August 13, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

    It seems like Washington used to be able to get things done. But perhaps it was always painful and slow. It could be more of a false ideal, like the “good ol’ days”.

    Of course since Obama was elected the Republican response to anything he wants to do is “NO.”. They don’t offer an alternative – other than the status quo. 😐

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