Budget Fat…

Originally published in the Grand Rapids Press, April 9, 2011

It was easy to draw the raw steak in the first panel. Having been raised on Flintstones reruns, there was at least one raw piece of meat in each episode, and it looked exactly like this. But for the second panel, I searched the web and printed out several raw steak photos and taped them on my drawing board so I could semi-accurately render how fat is marbled. Made the board look a bit like a butchery (or a slaughterhouse). I was starting to take notice of this when what should pop up on my iTunes shuffle but, you guessed it, those 1980s post-new wave, alt-rock, proto-goth boys from Manchester, The Smiths, with their happy-go-lucky lead singer and lyricist, Morrissey, singing that snappy tune, β€œMeat Is Murder.”

So take a little trip down memory lane (and into a dark, cold, hopeless abyss of guilt and depression). Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Tyler said,

    April 15, 2011 @ 11:51 am

    Or as I call it, TUESDAY!

    j/k πŸ™‚

  2. Kris said,

    April 17, 2011 @ 1:11 pm

    Adam and I watched a show called dirty cities where they delve in to cholera-ridden NY or London and discuss, in great detail, the sanitation practices of the day. One man demonstrated how they would take rancid meat, add borax to kill the smell and some red dye containing arsenic and make sausages! People did fall ill but didn’t really tie it back to the sausage – probably because they were so damn hungry. It reaffirmed Adam’s vegetarian way and made me too think of Morrissey and The Smiths.

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