Yoopers Be Like…

Yoopers Be Like...

Most of Michigan’s population is in the lower half of the Lower Peninsula. So recently when the northern lights paid a rare visit, it was understandable that the bulk of the people in our state were so delighted. But it had to be a bit of an eye-rolling experience for Yoopers.

I’m no Yooper (resident of the Upper Peninsula), but I did go to college there (go you Tech Huskies, eh?!). And among the things I learned was that with being way the heck up north and almost non-existent light pollution, it is not uncommon to experience the aurora borealis.

However, because the Upper Peninsula contains 29% of the land area of Michigan but only 3% of its total population, Trolls (residents of the Lower Peninsula) tend to forget that the UP exists. For the most part, this does not seem to bother Yoopers. But if you really want to experience the northern lights in Michigan, come to the UP in the winter and bring your tourist dollars.


Is Michigan Even a Swing State Anymore?

Is Michigan Even a Swing State Anymore?

In truth, I don’t believe that Michigan journalists are conspiring to keep Michigan a swing state. Like all folks in media these days, simply trying to survive is more than a full-time job. So I’m sure they appreciate presidential candidates coming to our state to share their visions (or their bile) — it makes for news that directly pertains to their readers/viewers. But the Michigan media certainly doesn’t have the capacity to orchestrate it.

No, we can thank the Electoral College for all this. Our Founding Fathers may have had the best of intentions, but there was so much that they couldn’t have anticipated, especially the two-party system. That part wasn’t at all by design but has become the de facto standard for most of our history. As a consequence, if one party dominates state politics, all the votes for that state predictably go to the candidate of that party.

But however you feel about the Electoral College, I think we all can agree that it makes certain states — so-called swing states or battleground states — more relevant than others. Michigan is one of them, and, on the whole, that’s at least better than not being relevant. Or to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, “There is only one thing in politics worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”


What’s Your Excuse?

What's Your Excuse?

When I was in college, in the days before Internet, there was a closed-circuit system to deliver news and announcements — TVs (large cathode-ray tube TVs the weight of a Volkswagen) suspended precariously from walls and ceilings in various public areas around campus.

The system only showed still screens, but it could play video with audio. So the professor of the video editing class got some of her students together and pitched the idea of us creating content. The folks in charge were a little dubious, but the initial pieces were some nice stories about sports and college history, so they gave it a green light.

Then I got involved and started to create (at least in my mind) comedy pieces. My instructor and fellow students were fully onboard. But the admin in charge of loading the content into the system, not so much. My bits proved to be popular with the audience but made her worry about her job.

Eventually I produced a new piece about the notoriously limited dorm space at that time at Michigan Tech. It was not unusual for three students to be assigned to a single room at the start of the school year. I pretended to be an investigative reporter who had discovered evidence in the form of a secret memo revealing that the Michigan Tech housing department purposely assigned 43 kids to a single dorm room and pocketed the money. Then I got a bunch of friends to jam into a room and I “interviewed” them. I also got the actual director of housing to be part of a scene where I go to his house for answers and he slams the front door in my face. (He thought it was funny.)

The admin, however, freaked. I don’t know whether she thought it was real or that we had simply gone too far. But she declared that she was going to shut the whole thing down. My fellow students and I were indignant. Censorship! Tyranny! We schemed all sorts of ways to fight the power. But in the end, cooler heads prevailed. Our instructor carefully explained to us what was and what was not actual censorship, and she worked out a deal with the admin (the main selling feature: the fact that I was weeks away from graduation and would soon be gone).

The moral of the story? Well, there really isn’t one. It’s more of a gentle reminder that college students are supposed to be excitable and passionate and sometimes do things they, intentionally or unintentionally, are not supposed to do. Typically, the stakes and consequences are very low. But even when they are high like in these current protests, it’s good to remember that the vast majority of those involved are, in fact, college students.


A Sack of Taxpayer Cash

A Sack of Taxpayer Cash

Last week the news broke that General Motors plans to move its global headquarters from the iconic Renaissance Center in Detroit to a newly developed building, also in Detroit. It’s news, but not historic news. Decades ago when GM moved from its glory-days location in the New Center area of Detroit to the RenCen, it involved thousands of workers. The number this time is estimated to be 850.

Also news: Taxpayers are gonna get hosed in the process. The new building, which is on the site of what was the flagship Hudson’s department store, was financed with tax breaks for the promise of 2,000 new jobs. The GM jobs coming to that building are not new — and certainly not a net gain for Detroit.

Taxpayers getting the short end of the stick is not unusual. But it does come at a time when Michiganders are particularly sensitive about highly touted deals in which we are likely going to get a diminished return on investment. Deals that Michigan made for big automotive battery projects just a couple of years ago are now being questioned and revisited.

The pendulum seems to be swinging toward the “no tax breaks” side of economic development. We’ll see how long that lasts when other states go back to outbidding us with their tax breaks.


Southern Governors and the UAW

Southern Governors and the UAW

This week — perhaps even by the time you read this — autoworkers at a Volkswagen assembly plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, are voting on whether to join the United Autoworkers (UAW) union. This is the start of a drive by the UAW to get autoworkers currently in non-union plants (mostly in the south) to join them. Republican governors from six southern states (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas) put out a joint statement warning that doing so will put jobs in jeopardy and, by the way, you can’t trust them unionizers.

As Michiganders, we know well that there are compelling arguments for and against unions in general and the UAW in particular. But “disingenuous” is the most charitable way that I can describe southern politicians accusing the UAW of running campaigns “driven by misinformation and scare tactics.” Misinformation and scare tactics have been their favorite tools for union prevention (and union busting) for generations!

Careful readers will notice that there are six states but only five governors in the cartoon. Six was just too crowded, and Tennessee Governor Bill Lee was by far the least interesting to draw.


You Know What, Governor Whitmer?

You Know What, Governor Whitmer?

I don’t think Governor Whitmer actually regrets repealing the 1931 Michigan law defining abortion access that could have very well become active law after Roe v. Wade was overturned. But — you know what? — it really shouldn’t matter what I think Whitmer thinks.

In fact, we would all be much better off if we spent less time trying to imagine the motivations of candidates and elected officials.

I believe getting rid of that zombie law was the right thing to do, specifically from a women’s health point of view. You may have a different position. That’s fine. We both then should do our best to learn about the issue, understand it, and vote accordingly — and not be trying to use our votes to effect some sort of strategic outcome.

Arizona did not successfully remove its even more ancient and draconian abortion law, and now it is the actual law in that state. This is an inconvenience for Donald Trump and his campaign. But it’s women and families who will suffer the real-life consequences. Learn about that, understand it, and vote accordingly.


Like Nagasaki and Hiroshima

Like Nagasaki and Hiroshima

With such a deep saturation of bonkers-level behavior by elected officials and the blink-and-you-missed-it news cycle, you may not be aware of Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) recently saying in a town hall that Gaza should be dealt with “like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.”

All right. Let’s be fair. Let’s explore what he said around that quote. (Spoiler: It makes it worse.)

This from the Washington Post:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) was answering a question from a constituent during a town hall in Dundee, Mich., on Monday, about the United States’ plan to build a floating pier off the coast of Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid.

“Why are we spending our money to build a port for them?” someone asks in the video.

Walberg, who is not seen in the video, responds by saying that the United States “shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid” and then references the two Japanese cities where the United States dropped atomic bombs during World War II.

“It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick,” Walberg said.

Walberg’s office responded saying he “clearly uses a metaphor to support Israel’s swift elimination of Hamas, which is the best chance to save lives long-term and the only hope at achieving a permanent peace in the region.”

Uh-huh. Metaphor. Okay. Sure. But what a terrible, tone-deaf, dangerous metaphor. And let’s not look past the whole “not a dime of humanitarian aid” bit. My God. But it gets worse. Again, from the Washington Post:

…after the congressman said “Get it over quick,” he added, “The same should be in Ukraine.”

“Defeat [Russian President Vladimir] Putin quick,” Walberg continued. “Instead [of] 80 percent in Ukraine being used for humanitarian purposes, it should be 80 to 100 percent to wipe out Russia — if that’s what we want to do.”

Walberg seems to be seriously channeling General Buck Turgidson, the George C. Scott character in Dr. Stangelove. That was political satire. It’s not so funny when it’s real.

Editor’s note: John Auchter is a freelance political cartoonist. His views are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Michigan Public, its management, or its license holder, the University of Michigan.


Everybody Knows That Doesn’t Work

Everybody Knows That Doesn't Work

I’ve attempted to knit a couple of stories together that, at first glance, may not seem to have much to do with each other.

First, there is the ongoing brouhaha regarding electric vehicles (EVs). It’s no surprise that the issue has become quite political. And, actually, it should be political because it very much affects our lives, particularly in Michigan where we have a vested interest in producing them.

This week there has been much discussion about the right level of government involvement, whether it’s tax breaks to retain and attract EV-related industry or how to invest in programs to train workers for battery manufacturing jobs.

Second, there was an interview I heard on NPR with Abrahm Lustgarten who has written a new book, On the Move. It’s about climate-driven migration and how the effects of climate change have been and will continue to be a major factor in causing migration both to our borders and within our borders. (I’ve touched on this in past cartoons, but Lustgarten suspects that Michigan and our Great Lakes will soon be a major attraction to Sun Belters who will grow weary of droughts, fires, and rising temperatures.)

The connection I found is the irony of those who tend to oppose EVs are also those who are seemingly most alarmed by increased immigration — when embracing the former may be a plausible way to mitigate the latter.


One of Those Politicians

One of Those Politicians

Every once in a while I like to remind people (including myself) that it may not be entirely the fault of politicians that they are the way they are. I mean, this in no way excuses the Mitch McConnells of our world for being such loathsome Mitch McConnells. But it can’t always be easy dealing with our not quite achievable expectations.

I’ll leave it at that. Next week, back to holding politicians accountable.


That Old Bottle Return Law

That Old Bottle Return Law

Back in 2016, part of then candidate Donald Trump’s platform (remember back to the quaint days when the Republican Party actually had platforms?) was a plank that for every new federal regulation two would be removed.

I thought, well, okay. I understand the feeling that there are too many rules and regulations — or more specifically, ones that are no longer needed or simply not relevant. But to arbitrarily remove two to make way for a new one? That seemed extremely shortsighted. (Remember back to the quaint days when “shortsighted” was the way you’d describe something you thought was dangerously stupid?)

But back to common ground: Michigan has had a bottle returns law now for nearly 50 years. It is fair to ask whether it is still a good idea to require a 10 cent deposit on soft drink and malt beverage containers. More so recently because the law has apparently been less effective. Recycling rates hit a high of 89% in 2019 but dropped during the complete system shutdown of the pandemic, falling to 75.6% in 2022.

This could be because retailers have been loath to return to making bottle returns as convenient as they were before the pandemic. It could also be because the public at large has been less motivated to take on a chore that pays back much less in buying power than it once did.

But before wiping the law off the books, it is also important to consider the benefits. Three out of four bottles/cans are returned for recycling in Michigan while only one out of four are in states without deposit laws. Is there an alternative that can guarantee the same or less landfill waste and litter?


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