What’s So Bad About Climate Change?

Both Catholicism and The Twilight Zone have trained me to beware pleasant situations — enjoy them too much and there will be unpleasant consequences. It’s either just straight-up guilt or you’re granted your wish to be the ruler of a powerful nation and — poof! — you’re Hitler at the end of the war in a bunker.
So, sorry, this recent lack of winter and beautiful spring days? It can’t all be good. One of the reasons why Michigan is such a beautiful place is that the harsh winters do a great job of making dormant (or killing off) annoying, nasty, disease-carrying pests. If you want it to be above freezing all year long, well, then you also get the bugs, flies, spiders, reptiles, and other creepy-crawly things that come with it.
Isn’t that reason enough to be concerned about climate change?